
Showing posts from April, 2023

Newsletter #4 - March 2023

Hello again dear readers! As I write to you at the end of March (or the beginning of April now.... oops), I have only three months left here in Palestine. It is hard to believe I have been here so long, and that I have so little time left. With this in mind, I have been trying to soak up every moment and reflect on all the ways I have grown and changed this year. Many of these are hard for me to articulate, especially to an audience who has not experienced life here the way that I have over the past seven months (seven months!!!). For this reason, I am incredibly grateful for the other members of my cohort, who have all been incredible sources of support over the course of the year. So I want to take a moment to acknowledge how much we have been through together this year and to thank my fellow JWB YAGMs for walking with me through all the challenges life has thrown at us. In mid-February, we had a big retreat in Jordan. We spent a few nights in Petra, a few nights in the desert in Wad...

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